German Shepherd Dogs




Service Dogs of America Club SDA MISSION STATEMENT:
Service Dogs of America is dedicated to developing, preserving, and using a canine's natural instincts, intelligence, and tractability to perform meaningful, utilitarian tasks for mankind. Its goal is to use proven common-sense methods for training both canine and handler while maximizing the social, family orientation, and sport aspects of dog training. In addition the SDA program enables the evaluation of a canine's working ability,
maintaining and improving breeding stock to conform to the breed's original purpose and function.
Titles offered:
One practical basic obedience title (Family-Obedienc FO), which is a prerequisite to the other protection and obedience titles offered.
Three progressively advanced obedience titles (OB1, OB2, OB3).
One non-gripping protection alert title (PA) for personal and family protection.
Seven gripping protection titles (P1, P1S, P1M, P2, P2S, P3, P3S) for personal and family protection.
Three gripping police dog titles (PD1, PD2, PD3).
Three tracking titles (Tracking-1 [T-1], Tracking-2 [T-2], Master Track [MT]).
Videos available of the routines on our rules page.

Home  Trial Results  SDA Rules  Events  Entry Form  Pictures 

Click here to see the results form our trail


There is no membership fee to SDA for owner/handler. There is a onetime registration fee for your dog.
Class offered:
Obedience classes : FO, OB1, OB2, OB3
Protection classes : PA, P1, P2, PS2, P3, PS3
Police dog classes : PD1, PD2
Pre entry $50 per class PRE ENTRIES DUE BY SATURDAY, October 22, 2011
day of show entry $70 per class. Entries will be limited and on a first to enter basis
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Cindy Reed 2280 Louis Ave., Oroville, Ca. 95966
Trophies for first and second place
Starting time: Entries 8-8:30 am Trial 9:00 am
Judge: Dennis Trzcinski for more info on Dennis click here
Decoys: Danny Thatcher and Marcel Harnois
Location: 2280 Louis Ave
              Oroville, Ca 95966
LUNCH: Food and drinks will be available for purchase on site.
Lodging & restaurants nearby in Oroville
Spectators and parking free
Contact: Cindy Reed for entry forms or more information.
Phone: 530-534-5678
Or online form:  entry form

Training thought:
It is absolutely important to have a plan when you walk out onto the field...but at the same time you must be able to give and take as needed...Just because you plan on doing something...doesn't mean that your dog is ready or willing to do just that...So be ready to change your plans on the field as needed...Not only do we want to teach our dogs new things...but we ourselves must be ready to learn too...

We would like to give a heart felt
to our sponsors that have helped make this trial happen
Tara & Gerald Klement
If you are an AOL user you may need to type my email address and not use the link to email
James Reed
2280 Louis Ave Oroville, Ca